The day before I turned 37 I received my first neurodivergent diagnosis.

Last week I had gone in to a psychiatrist to discuss my anti-depressant medication. While I was there I mentioned my tentative self identification as ADHD and more firm self identification as Autistic and how I intended to seek evaluation for formal diagnoses eventually. He then mentioned that while the Autism evaluation was as expensive and annoying as I had heard, ADHD was fast, easy, and cheap to evaluate with an online psychologist backed service. So I went and completed the evaluation over a couple nights in my downtime (maybe a couple hours total) and submitted it Saturday evening.

By Sunday morning (while I was at church) I got my results back:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Predominantly Inattentive Type

I am ADHD.

It was not a complete surprise, and yet…

It is now real.
It’s not just a fantasy in my head or a misunderstanding.
It’s not just something I claim (though it is that too).

Note that “Predominantly Inattentive Type” bit: this is because they folded what used to be called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD without the H) into ADHD as an umbrella with subtypes:

  • Predominantly Inattentive Type (formerly ADD, distinguished by distractibility, forgetfulness, poor time management & prioritization)
  • Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive Type (“classic” ADHD, distinguished by fidgeting, pacing, movement, poor self-control & ability to wait one’s turn)
  • Combined Type (a more or less even mix of the other two)

So ADHD is on a spectrum of its own, which I guess should come as no surprise since it intersects Autism so often.

Nothing major in my life will likely change with this first diagnosis. I don’t plan to start medication or anything since I struggle less with executive dysfunction vs my Autistic sensory issues.

But it is something to be aware of, another corner of the map revealed. This was the diagnosis I was less sure of, so I am now much more excited to get to my Autism evaluation, though I hear those can be obnoxious.

For more reading on the topic of ADHD: click here